Finding a Job to Fill the Teen’s Tank

by revolvebeetle

As parents, we all know our teenagers can spend money in the blink of an eye.

With gas prices hovering around $4.
05 per gallon, life can be difficult for both you and your teenager. Prices for movies, concert tickets, and video games are showing no signs of dropping.
My father used to deliver milk to make money in the summer.
I cut lawns.
Today’s youth have lots of alternatives.
They can get jobs, start businesses, and do chores for family members.

This lesson will start with some of the more conventional ways that teens make money and will then go on to some very unconventional ones.
Teens Can Make Awesome Money by Starting Businesses
The ‘wealthiest’ teens out there are all running their own businesses.

Businesses that are perfect for teens include lawn mowing, yard cleanup, pet waste removal, pet care, house cleaning, baby sitting, elderly care, and snow shoveling.

One kid I know bought a used lawn mower at a thrift store for $10 one summer and turned that $10 into more than $10,000 worth of profits in just one summer.

What’s cool about that story is that he turned his lawn mowing business into a very successful landscaping business later in life and now makes much more than a six figure income.
Most parents would gladly give a teen a $10 loan to buy a lawnmower (or a $100 loan for that matter).
Most of the other businesses that teens can run cost basically nothing to start up, other than the cost of some paper to make fliers.

Jobs That Teens Can Get to Make Money
There are certain jobs that are perfect for teens, including working at fast food restaurants, department stores, clothing stores, and pretty much any other type of store that you would find in most malls.
Some teens won’t want to get a job at first, but will figure out how cool it is to have their own funds. They don’t have to beg you and I every time they would like to go do something with their friends.
Many times, teens are able to make enough money to buy a car, and that is a dream for most teens.

It allows them to grab some off-campus lunch with friends or hit the mall after school.
Untraditional Ways for Teens to Make Money
In this day and age, teens can make great money by using the internet, especially if they have the skill set.

Blogging has provided great incomes for many teens, in fact there are teen bloggers who are now making more than $100,000 per year from their blogs.
We are now living in an age of global business, and the internet gives us the biggest opportunities for creating income from people everywhere in the world.

Teenagers are usually more tech savvy than adults, giving them unique opportunities to create online income. Encouraging your teenager to learn online business can really help them to create a bright future for themselves.

Hopefully this article has given you some ideas.
There really is no limit to the types of jobs teens can find if they follow their interests and just get started!