
Month: December, 2014

The Cocky Kid Said, "I Don’t Need to Study Math, I Am Going to Be a Professional Motorcycle Racer"

Mathematics is important to any profession that you might choose, that I can clearly guarantee within a very high probability – using mathematical statistics of course.

Over two and a half decades hence, I was on the race track at Willow Springs waiting for an up-coming race in the division just under the professional division, and as all of us over-testosterone young men were sitting there, I listened to another rider brag about how he’d quit school, and now planned on becoming a professional motorcycle racer.

I told him that wasn’t a very smart way to play it.
But you can’t tell anyone who races motorcycles that, because, at that age, what the heck we are all invincible right? Nevertheless when I challenged him to the point, the young cocky kid said;
“I Don’t Need to Study Math,” I am going to be a Professional Motorcycle Racer within a year, and I will have a sponsor soon, maybe after this race.

Now mind you this kid was good, although I wasn’t intimidated, after all I planned to win the race, hell, that’s why I was there, not to get second place, but first.

In hindsight here is what I should have told that kid that day;
“Motorcycle stopping distance is something relevant to motorcycle racing right.
Well, so too is acceleration, and the mathematical physics which go along with it all.

If you don’t pay attention, you’ll be sorry.”
You know what he crashed coming out of turn 7 and took out two other riders that day, no not me, I was able to place second that day, and I am certain the first place rider had studied math, and his fast reflexes on top of that enabled him not to get caught up in that accident.
Okay so, let’s talk about the math involved here shall we?
At 120 mph, the approximate speed he ate it, the bike travels over 44 feet if your reaction time is 0.

25 seconds, it takes those top race bikes 405 feet to stop if you are at a maximum deceleration, the all that takes over 6 seconds + the 44 feet, oh are you starting to see why you need to study your math my friends?
Look here is the deal, you better know the competition, you better know your math and you better get a feel for the bike and track, otherwise you’ll end up like the cocky kid who quit school and ended up against the hay bales with a broken femur bone, broken collar bone, and broken ego.

Not to mention a $15,511.

00 totaled race bike, $120,678.

00 worth of medical bills, and out of commission for six months.
So, tell me, can you use your math skills to add up what it’s going to cost you if you don’t study math?
Yep, the moral of the story is, stay in school, and study math!
Then you can go out and conquer the world!

Online Jobs For 17+ Teens

The next generation would probably be of greater help to the world if they would be fully trained to become self-sufficient, responsible, and independent. The teenagers should be exposed to life and the reality of financial struggles.

Kids should be taught about the value of money and hard work. In order to do this, the kids should be pushed to earning their own income even if they are still young to really be getting stressed about work and compensation.
Many teenagers are in the stage where they need to find their niche, what they want out of life, and who they want to be. These, while still busy being the typical teenagers who are carefree and oblivious of the real struggles of life.
Encouraging them to look for jobs for 17 years and younger would help them become more resourceful and responsible.

Although it would be difficult to find the most suitable jobs using the traditional landscape, going online is a different story altogether.
Online, there are numerous options for jobs for 17 year-old kids and those younger. One of the options is to sign up for accounts in paid survey sites. In these sites, kids are being hired to completely fill out survey sheets or forms.

When accomplished, the kids will get paid for the task (about $3 to $10) depending on the terms and conditions of the company that has conducted the survey.
Doing survey would be an easy job to do and to keep. That’s why a lot of teenagers now are doing it and earning much so that they can buy their extra needs.

Oral Thrush in Children

Oral thrush is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the mouth.
White patches are visible on the tongue and on the lining of the baby’s mouth. Common in babies under a year old, oral thrush can cause the baby’s mouth to feel sore and make it reluctant to feed.
The condition is sometimes associated with nappy rash caused by the same fungus. Treatments include antifungal creams, a Candida-elimination diet (for the mother if she is breast-feeding), probiotics and the homeopathic medicine Borax.

Why it Occurs:
Candida albicans is a yeast organism that is naturally present in the mouth and the gut.

An overgrowth of the yeast in the mouth results in oral thrush if the oral bacteria that keep it in check are disturbed by certain antibiotics.

Some complementary practitioners say that a dietary imbalance may also disturb the bacteria.
As well as young children, thrush can affect the elderly and people with impaired immunity.

If you bottle=feed your baby, take care to thoroughly sterilise all equipment.
Conventional Medicine
ANTIFUNGAL DROPS AND GELS – The doctor will examine your baby’s mouth and may take a mouth swab to check for the presence of Candida albicans.
If oral thrush is confirmed, the doctor may prescribe an antifungal treatment, such as nystatin, to be applied to the baby’s mouth.
Oral thrush usually improves shortly after starting the treatment, and should clear up within a week, but it may recur.

PREVENTION – To prevent Candida from overgrowing in the future, breastfeeding mothers may be prescribed an antifungal cream for their nipples. If you bottlefeed your baby, make sure all the equipment you use is thoroughly sterilised by immersing it in boiling water.

Nutritional Therapy
Candida albicans, the yeast responsible for oral thrush, thrives on sugar.
Eliminating or reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates, such as white flour products, can help to starve yeast out of the system. To help clear thrush in a breast-fed baby, the mother can cut back on her intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and take probiotics.

Probiotics (healthy gut bacteria supplements) may be very useful in treating oral thrush.
You can give probiotics to your baby by adding the contents of a capsule or a powder to water or another drink.
Borax is a specially prepared homeopathic medicine for oral thrush.
Babies who respond to Borax may be nervous and jumpy. Crush one tablet or two pills of the 6C strength between two teaspoons and give a small amount, dry on the tongue, 3 times a day at least 10 minutes before or after a feed.

Online Or Classroom Real Estate Continuing Education – Which is Best For Me?

Over the last few years, much has been discussed, analyzed and predicted when it comes to the housing market and certainly, real estate professionals have had to deal with their share of challenges within this industry.

However, a positive forecast is ahead and this means that the real estate market professional will need to be at the top of his/her professional game and ready for anything.
For many in the industry though, keeping abreast of all the changes and ensuring that they consistently fulfill strident licensing requirements, in their home states, is an ongoing concern. Fortunately, over the course of the last decade, real estate continuing education has grown substantially and this is good news for the industry professionals as they now have, in many cases, the option of completing their real estate education either online or in a classroom.
A word of caution – before you embark on any type of education, make sure that you check out the school you are considering. Do your research and ask questions, particularly when it comes to their accreditation’s within the industry.

Choosing the best option for you is not always obvious.
When considering the pros and cons of online continuing education versus classroom courses, a few key questions should be asked.

What am I looking for in a school? What are my time constraints? Can I find the classes I need close to home? And do they fit into my schedule? Do I like to work alone or in a group? Do I do my best work in the middle of the night? Or am I a morning person with lots of free time on my hands? How much can I afford? Where is the closest school located? Do I have transportation? Do I have the computer equipment?
These are all very legitimate and important questions.
When choosing between online or classroom real estate education, remember that you must be as realistic as possible, incorporating your current situation and anticipating what your immediate future will look like.
If you are currently at home with more time on your hands, then you may want to think about attending classroom classes, especially if you enjoy meeting new people who share your passion for real estate. If you have young children and find yourself stretched to the limit, then you may want to think about online courses – especially since these will offer you the flexibility of doing the classes and homework on your time schedule.
Cost is another consideration; if money is tight for you, you may want to think about doing a course online – you will be saving money on transportation and gas.

However, if your computer is slow and unpredictable, this may be a serious barrier to doing online courses.
Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to choosing between classroom or online real estate continuing education.
Your best bet is to do as much research as you can on the classes and methods offered and make your decision based on the results of your findings.

The Ups And Downs Of Bouncing

Some toys have their ups and downs, but none more so than the trampoline.
It used to be the case that trampolines were limited to schools, gymnasiums and the seaside theme parks, but in recent years there have been miniature trampolines available for children, and even more recently much larger trampolines which have been almost adult sized. Ranging in size from just a couple of feet across to a full six feet in diameter, these have proved to be extremely popular with children of all ages, and with a few parents as well!
Some of the smaller trampolines are simply designed to be kept indoors, and frequently have a hand rail to hold on to.

Very small children, including toddlers, can use this to hold on to whilst they jump and bounce.

Small children have a natural tendency to bounce and jump, and the experience of being able to do so with such greater effect is always met with delight.
These trampolines are usually built very strongly, with wide legs that prevent tipping over or flipping, and the springs themselves are either well hidden by a surrounding collar of plastic, or non-existent, with the base of the trampoline simply made from elastic.
These small trampolines are actually very similar in size and construction to the popular adult trampolines sold as fitness aids.

Indeed, it has been said that a ten minute bounce on a trampoline helps to burn up as many calories as a full 30 minute run would do. Many people would far rather bounce on a trampoline for ten minutes than run for half an hour, not only because it feels less like exercise and more like fun, but it is also far more private, and for those less fit, it allows the chance to burn calories away from public gaze.

Some children’s trampolines are available in much larger sizes, and allow more than one child to bounce together.
Typically these are outdoor trampolines, and have a much higher base to allow for greater bounce height. For safety reasons almost all of these trampolines have a net which fits right round the outside of the trampoline, rising up to a height of about size feet. This encloses the child in the trampoline so that they are bouncing within an enclosed cylinder. Should their bouncing become erratic, or they lose their sense of balance for a moment, they will not be in danger of falling ff and landing on the ground from a great height, which would certainly cause serious injury. Instead, they will be caught safely, and only their pride will be injured.
Again, usually the springs around the outside of these trampolines are well guarded, as there is always the danger otherwise of a foot or leg falling down between the springs and becoming trapped.
It is important to make sure that, if the trampoline is self assembly, that you read very carefully all of the instructions, and assemble it carefully, using all of the correct tools and making sure that everything is tight.
Because of the vibrations caused through bouncing, it will also be necessary to regularly check all nuts and bolts to see that it is still safe.
Needless to say, of course, many of these trampolines have height and age restrictions displayed on them, although many parents pretend they don’t realise this, or deliberately choose to ignore the fact.

Why Organizations Must Have a Good Computer Based Data Management System

Organizations have now become reliant on computer systems more than ever. Everyday transactions are now being conducted through the use of computers, either through existing local area networks (LAN), or via the Internet. The need for connectivity with businesses both inside and outside the country also requires businesses to invest on a great computer infrastructure.
However, nothing is as pressing as the need for data management systems as the main reason for going computerized. There is too much information in the world today, that looking for ways to store them is actually a major issue.
Organizations have to find a way to store information, ranging from employees’ records, to salaries to receipts- something that can be done effectively by computers.
The size of a computer’s memory bank and the capacity to build data centers comprised mainly of computers are two things that make a computer a great storage place for lots of data. Through computers, there is no longer a pressing need for bulky paper files that tend to pile up as time passes by.

With just a click of a mouse, an organization can now gain access to thousands of needed pieces of information, all stored within a computer.

Accreditation management and other data management systems can be created for an organization with the help of experts on information technology (IT).
These professionals, banking on their experience in the IT industry, offer cost-effective solutions for an organization’s data handling and storage needs. They can create a database program that manages an organization’s files, or create a computer system that can handle more information than a typical single system.
However, a good accreditation management and data handling system should be foolproof.

There is no room for error, given the delicate nature of a data management system. One misstep can cause huge problems to the organization, such as lost files, lost income, lower productivity and disrupted operations.
Having a good accreditation management and data handling system is good for any organization. The sheer number of information can be better managed by an organization that possesses an outstanding computer infrastructure.

The initial investment on a good data management system may be huge, but the long-term benefits it can offer to an organization make the expenditure truly worth it.

Zhu Zhu Pets – Why Your Kids Will Love This Interactive Pet Hamsters

We have all heard of the Zhu Zhu Pets craze hitting the stores already.
Kids all over the country are hamster crazy and in love with the furry little pet hamsters.

After watching my nephews spending hours with this happy fun hamsters here’s three reasons why you will love these zhu zhu pet hamsters this holiday season.

They are Hamster Pets Without The Mess
In a perfect world, we all like to own pets by without our hectic schedules it would be difficult to take care of them. These interactive smart hamster pets give you that ability.
They feel, act real and they take care of themselves.
2. Teach our kids responsibility of caring for a pet
This was hard for me to actually see. But my nephews treat these pets as if they were the real deal. They are warm a fuzzy and the youngsters treat them as if they were live hamsters.


Have Loads of fun in a smart and safe way
Believe it or not, you can create different obstacle courses and modes of play for Zhu Zhu Pets.
You can stimulate your kids’ imagination and have competitions, set up different modes of play and have a great time with these furry little creatures.

These interactive Hamster toys have become so popular that there is a huge range of these Zhu Zhu Pets available right now. The only problem is that most of these are already sold out and there may not be enough toys on the shelves before Christmas.
If you are planning to give the gift of a pet hamster this Holiday, choose the right toy that meets your kids personality.

Finding a Job to Fill the Teen’s Tank

As parents, we all know our teenagers can spend money in the blink of an eye.

With gas prices hovering around $4.
05 per gallon, life can be difficult for both you and your teenager. Prices for movies, concert tickets, and video games are showing no signs of dropping.
My father used to deliver milk to make money in the summer.
I cut lawns.
Today’s youth have lots of alternatives.
They can get jobs, start businesses, and do chores for family members.

This lesson will start with some of the more conventional ways that teens make money and will then go on to some very unconventional ones.
Teens Can Make Awesome Money by Starting Businesses
The ‘wealthiest’ teens out there are all running their own businesses.

Businesses that are perfect for teens include lawn mowing, yard cleanup, pet waste removal, pet care, house cleaning, baby sitting, elderly care, and snow shoveling.

One kid I know bought a used lawn mower at a thrift store for $10 one summer and turned that $10 into more than $10,000 worth of profits in just one summer.

What’s cool about that story is that he turned his lawn mowing business into a very successful landscaping business later in life and now makes much more than a six figure income.
Most parents would gladly give a teen a $10 loan to buy a lawnmower (or a $100 loan for that matter).
Most of the other businesses that teens can run cost basically nothing to start up, other than the cost of some paper to make fliers.

Jobs That Teens Can Get to Make Money
There are certain jobs that are perfect for teens, including working at fast food restaurants, department stores, clothing stores, and pretty much any other type of store that you would find in most malls.
Some teens won’t want to get a job at first, but will figure out how cool it is to have their own funds. They don’t have to beg you and I every time they would like to go do something with their friends.
Many times, teens are able to make enough money to buy a car, and that is a dream for most teens.

It allows them to grab some off-campus lunch with friends or hit the mall after school.
Untraditional Ways for Teens to Make Money
In this day and age, teens can make great money by using the internet, especially if they have the skill set.

Blogging has provided great incomes for many teens, in fact there are teen bloggers who are now making more than $100,000 per year from their blogs.
We are now living in an age of global business, and the internet gives us the biggest opportunities for creating income from people everywhere in the world.

Teenagers are usually more tech savvy than adults, giving them unique opportunities to create online income. Encouraging your teenager to learn online business can really help them to create a bright future for themselves.

Hopefully this article has given you some ideas.
There really is no limit to the types of jobs teens can find if they follow their interests and just get started!

Why Do IT Projects Fail?

According to a study conducted by the Standish group in 2009, only 32 % of all Information Technology (IT) projects were successful. They were delivered on time, on budget and with required features and function.

44% were challenged with being late, over budget and with fewer features. 24% failed and were cancelled prior to completion or delivered without being used.
This chaos report was considered intriguing given the available pool of project managers in the United States. So, why did most of the projects (68%) not meet their contractual obligation by being late, over budget or outright failure?
IT projects fail due to a catalog of reasons which include the following:
• Improper requirements gathering: The project requirements should be appropriately documented through meetings, focus groups, reports and interviews.
• Scope Creep: More often than not, the project scope does not usually cover the entire spectrum of work to be implemented.
This leads to progressive elaboration with associated adjustment of work scope and request for additional features not previously included.
• Change Management Control Board: Absence of change control board makes it possible for unnecessary changes and additions to be accepted in an ongoing project without full assessment of potential impacts.
• Inadequate risk management plan: Absence of risk planning, qualitative and quantitative risk assessment processes make it difficult to be proactive about potential risks.
Risk response plans should be put in place to mitigate risk impact.
• Lack of management support: If top management does not support a major project by providing required financial and human resources, the project is bound to fail.
• Triple Constraints: Inability to balance the triple constraints of cost, schedule and budget in order to insure project quality.
If there is a change in one of the tripods of the triple constraints, the other two would be affected.
• Improper use of forecasting techniques such as EVM: Project managers should correctly utilize forecast techniques such as earned value management (EVM) to enable them determine whether project is behind or ahead of schedule and on budget.

• Communication: There should be effective communication between project teams and stakeholders.
Communication channels, levels, frequency and methods should be determined during planning.
• Project Management methodology: Correct choice of project management methodology to fit project goals should be adopted. Examples include: Software development lifecycle (SDLC), Waterfall, Scrum, Agile or Extreme Programming (XP) depending on client need.

• Project Management Skill: Projects should be led by trained project managers who understand project management techniques, strategy, knowledge areas and process groups in line with project management institute’s standards and requirement.
Considerations for the above measures during project planning and implementation would radically improve project outcome and success rate
Standish Group, (2009). Chaos Report.

Retrieved September 1, 2013
from http://www1.


The Basics of Getting an Accredited Online College Degree

Getting an accredited online college degree is a great plan for a variety of different lifestyles.  Whether you are an adult leaner who is uncomfortable about attending school for the first time with young coeds or someone who just doesn’t want to be tied down by traditional education an accredited online college degree could be the right choice for you.
There are many benefits to taking online classes in order to achieve a degree.
  The primary benefit is of course the freedom.  You can take these courses no matter where you are in the world and for many programs on your own time.

  Under most circumstances you can choose to take a few courses online or in the case of some degrees finish your entire course load online.
There are degrees of all levels online from bachelors to even a few PHD programs.
Though you are given the freedom to do things on your own terms you still get a full legitimate degree that can help you begin a successful degree.

  Many well known traditional universities offer online college degrees.

  In most cases once your degree is awarded the actual document will not indicate that you received the degree online.
  There is no difference with getting your degree online or getting it in person thanks to our growing technology.

Financial Aid
Financial aid is available for online students in all the same ways that is available to traditional students.  You can apply for federal and private grants, as well as loans.

  There are even scholarships available in many cases, especially when the courses you choose to pursue are associated with a traditional brick and mortar university.
The same goes for all end-of-the-year tax deductions that are available to traditional students.
  If you meet the criteria for credits and deductions related to educational expenses, your decision to take online courses will not affect this at all, as long as you are pursuing an accredited online college degree.

  Always verify accreditation before applying at any university.
The tuition for online classes and degrees is typically comparable to a traditional university course load.

  You will not need to pay for room and board at some far off school however.

  Nor will you have to pay the maintenance and fuel costs of commuting on a daily basis.
  Though tuition is occasionally higher for online universities, many offer tuition rates that are lower than average.  Always shop around before making a final decision on a university.